Local governments have a wide range of environmental responsibilities within their communities, including to ensure compliance with federal requirements in their own operations. In some cases, local governments also play a role in implementing federal environmental laws. In addition, local governments can help ensure that households and businesses understand and comply with their environmental obligations as well.

Federal environmental requirements can be complex, and it can be challenging to figure out which regulations apply to a particular activity. LGEAN was developed to help local government officials, managers, and staff understand their responsibilities and easily find information to improve compliance in their own operations and communities.

The LGEAN website provides direct access to valuable resources, searchable databases, and interactive tools. The website also provides resources on topics that can support compliance efforts such as information on environmental funding, planning, and management. Specific subjects that are related to compliance with federal environmental laws such as resilience are also addressed. LGEAN does not provide direct on-site compliance assistance to local governments.

LGEAN is one of several U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Compliance Assistance Centers that helps businesses, local governments, and federal facilities understand and comply with federal environmental requirements and save money through pollution prevention techniques. For more information see http://www.complianceassistance.net/


The Local Government Environmental Assistance Network (LGEAN) Advisory Committee is a group of national expers on local government environmental laws and regulations. The Committee meets virtually on a quarterly basis to provide input on LGEAN's educational programming and website content. Members also assist in disseminating LGEAN's compliance assistance materials through their organizations' networks.


Julia Anastasio, Executive Director, Association of Clean Water Administrators

Dawn Flancher, Senior Manager, Technical & Research Programs, American Water Works Association

Ben Grumbles, Executive Director, Environmental Council of States

Karen Mongoven, Senior Staff Associate, National Association of Clean Air Agencies

Howard Learner,  Executive Director, Environmental Law and Policy Center

Dania Rodriguez, Executive Director, Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials

Suzi Ruhl, Senior Research Scientist, Yale University

Judy M. Sheahan, Assistant Executive Director, The U.S. Conference of Mayors

Charles Stephens, Senior Executive Policy Advisor, National Rural Waters Association

Baskut Tuncak, Director, Toxics Use Reduction Institute

Katrina Wyman, Sarah Herring Sorin Professor of Law, New York University Law School

Saharnaz Mirzazad, Executive Director, Local Governments for Sustainability USA


For more information regarding LGEAN, Ask LGEAN