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Compliance & Enforcement

Issue Summary

Environmental compliance ensures that local governments can protect and improve the health safety and welfare of their communities. The resources below provide information on programs, publications, and organizations that can assist local governments' compliance efforts.



Training for federal, state and tribal environmental enforcement agencies:
This training is offered through the National Enforcement Training Institute via NETI Online. It is open only to regulatory or law enforcement professionals of Federal, state, local or tribal governments. Examples include government investigators, inspectors, attorneys, case developers and technical staff.

Environmental Finance Center Network
The EFCs provide state and local officials and small businesses with advisory services; education, publications, and training; technical assistance; and analyses on financing alternatives.

Compliance Assistance Centers
Compliance Assistance Centers help businesses, local governments, and federal facilities understand and comply with federal environmental requirements and save money through pollution prevention techniques. The Centers offer easy access to plain-language materials and other resources on environmental compliance.