Water Resources ManagementWater Resources

The best way to protect water quality is to avoid polluting the water in the first place. When pollution reaches surface or underground waterways, it can have many adverse effects, including impacts on drinking water sources. Water resource management approaches vary from community to community depending on various factors such as the source of water, size and population of the community, needs of the population, and the water supply system integrity. For example, water conservation may be a very high priority in some locales, while other areas may enjoy an abundance of source water. But in all cases, there is a need to protect and manage water resources wisely. Some water resource management entities have an opportunity to act as pollution prevention role models for others.

LGEAN resources most applicable to water resources management include:

  • Stormwater. Provides a summary of issues including MS4 and construction rules. Also provides links to numerous useful websites and documents.

  • Watersheds. Provides a summary of issues relating to watershed protection/restoration, which is accomplished through efforts at various levels including EPA, state agencies, local agencies and private organizations.

  • Deicing. Provides a summary of issues covering storage, application of highway deicing chemicals and alternatives. Provides links to best management practices. Also covers airport/aircraft deicing.

  • Drinking Water. Provides a summary of regulatory issues and links to numerous useful websites and documents.

Additional resources (exit LGEAN):

  • Wetlands State Resource Locator. Find your state agencies responsible for wetlands protection, an overview of the state rules, and links to wetlands regulations and compliance resources.